Test your knowledge about Fake News!
Take our survey and find out how much you know about misinformation and fake news. Answer the questions and we will tell you if you are already in top form against ‘fake news’ or if you need to improve any of your skills.
Start now!

What is Spotted?
Spotted is a project launched by the Loyola Andalucía University, the Spanish company Incoma, the Italian factchecker Pagella Politica; the European Education and Learning Institute, Greece; Sv Ignaco Lojolos Kolegija, from Lithuania and Zespol Szkol nr 6, from Poland.
Its aim is to combat misinformation and fake news through a training program aimed at secondary school students from all over Europe.
This website includes the main contributions of the project to society:
Through a scientific survey, each user can self-assess their knowledge, qualities, skills and weaknesses in the face of fake news.
Once the situation has been assessed, the system offers you a training journey in which specialists in journalism, verification and training have collaborated to create content that helps young people to strengthen their defenses against misinformation. It is a gym to get those skills in shape.
Download the guidelines to know what the disinformation is and how to cope it. A guide with practical cases to be trained with the classroom and a lot of information about fake news.

Although Spotted’s assessment and training tools are open to the general public, they are designed primarily with secondary school teachers having these tools to work freely with their students.
In addition, the information collected by the survey and the use that users make of these tools will be used to carry out scientific studies and analyzes that contribute to a better understanding of the problem of misinformation and provide the European Union and society with new tools and knowledge to put a stop to this serious problem that is ‘fake news’.