SPOTTED in the Media
School Policies to Address and Detect Fake News
Erasmus + KA2 Strategic Partnership in the field of school education
In this section you can find the newsletters published throughout the project.
The newsletters have been published in each of the project partners’ languages, and you will find the status of the results, the latest news and next steps.
The SPOTTED project is getting wide media coverage, especially in the Spanish media. In this section, you can find all the news in which the project is mentioned.
Loyola University launches a project to train young people in the correct detection of ‘fake news’. EuropaPress 28/09/21
A tool helps teenagers spot fake news Economista 29/09/21
Paula Herrero, journalist and researcher: “We users are as responsible for disinformation as those who create it” La Voz de Cordoba 03/10/21
The rise of ‘fake news’ and how to spot it: don’t be fooled Cope 06/10/21
Partners of the European project SPOTTED define at Loyola University a plan against misinformation for teenagers EuropaPress 24/01/22